Flotation machine, as a directly complete flotation process equipment, according to the previous flotation machine flotation test, as well as bubble mineralization theory, fluid mechanics research on flotation machine, the following five requirements of its use are as follows:
1. The flotation machine shall have a good aerating effect. The flotation machine must be able to inhale or press enough air into the pulp and produce a large number of medium-sized bubbles. It should also disperse bubbles uniformly throughout the flotation tank. The better the aeration performance, the better the air diffusion, the more uniform the bubble distributes the more opportunities to contact the bubble, and the better the process performance of the flotation machine.
2. The flotation machine has a stirring effect so that the mineral particles are suspended in the slurry. It is required that the flotation machine has an appropriate and uniform stirring effect so that the mineral particles and reagents are highly dispersed in the tank. In addition, mixing can promote the contact and adhesion between mineral particles and bubbles, and help dissolve and disperse nonsolvent.
3. Flotation function could form a certain thickness and relatively stable foam layer, mineralized foam layer can not only retain the target minerals but also make part of the mixed pulsed stone fall off from the foam, which is conducive to secondary enrichment. The flow rate of the slurry and the thickness of the foam layer in the flotation machine can also be controlled by adjusting the slurry level.
4. For the continuous work and easy adjustment of the flotation function, so the general industrial flotation machine must have continuous feeding, blowing, and discharging mechanism, to ensure the continuous work of the flotation function. In addition, the flotation machine should also have a mechanism to adjust the slurry level, foam layer thickness, and slurry flow rate.
5. In modern flotation machine design, to achieve the automation of concentrator. Besides reliable work and long service life, the operating device of the flotation machine also needs to have program simulation and remote control ability.
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