In the mining machinery equipment, ball mill has the widest application, so that the selection of ball mill is an important process for the mining extraction enterprises. If the mining machinery manufacturing companies want to improve the working efficiency of ball mill, they should consider this crucial question: how to select the material for the lining board of ball mill.
The lining board of ball mill has to not only sustain the impact and abrasion of the grinding media and the materials, but elevate the grinding media. For this reason, the quality of the materials for the lining board of ball mill plays a decisive role in improvement of the working efficiency of this machine. The grinding mill is made up of coarse grinding bin and fine grinding bin, which play different roles.
The coarse grinding bin is mainly used for crushing the materials while the fine grinding bin for grinding the materials. The drum lining board of the coarse grinding bin is mainly divided into ladder-type board and wave mode board, whereas the fine grinding bin is installed with stripe board, wavelet board and flat board. Since the coarse grinding bin and the fine grinding bin have different roles, and the diameter of the balls of the grinding media inside them is also different, the impacting force on the lining board is also not the same.
The selection of the material for the lining board should be determined according to different materials to be crushed. At present, the following three kinds of materials are widely used:
1. High manganese steel: It has significantly wide application, but it has such shortcoming as large impacting force and easy deformation.
2. Low and medium alloy abrasion-resistant steel: This kind of materials has better performance in abrasion resistance than that of the high manganese steel, but it also has the shortcoming of inadequate hardenability.
3. High-chromium iron: It has higher abrasion resistance but with high production cost.
When selecting the material for the lining board of ball mill, the manufacturing companies should consider all the relevant factors for the purpose of simple technology, low production cost, high hardenability and protecting the environment.
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