Has overcome the defect of easy-vibration and easy-abrasion, the vertical mill has gradually become the principal force of processing micro slag powders. The specific surface area of the micro slag processed by this machine is 420~450m2/kg which greatly satisfies the demands of the customers. The vertical mill researched by Hongxing Machinery is integrated with drying, powder grinding, powder concentrating and elevating, adopts reasonable and reliable structural design and combines with advanced technological process which completely conquers the thousands of customers of the micro slag grinding market.
Here the engineers of researching vertical mill in Hongxing Machinery will explain to you the processing course of the micro slag grinding in detail.
1. The determination of dimensions and basic parameters including the water content of wet slag, materials feeding granularity and the output of the grinding mill.
2. The main engine equipment, the output and power of the vertical mill, and the processed air quantity of the dust collector.
3. The storage of the materials.
(1) Wet slag: Generally speaking, the wet slag is directly sent from the slag storage yard by the belt conveyor into the wet slag cabin in the plant, and the wet slag cabin cannot be too large, and as long as it is able to hold the materials for four to eight hours in order to prevent the wet slag from caking unused for a long period of time. In addition, it is not proper to convey the wet slag with elevator because it may stick or bond in the hopper which will reduce the conveying capacity.
(2) Micro powdering of the slag: If the source of the slag is single and the quality is stable, the company may build a homogenization bank; and if there are many sources, then the company need to build two homogenization banks in order to make sure that the products delivered from the plant are stable in quality.
4. Package:
Since the micro slag is directly used in the concrete mixing station, more often than not, they are transported by the train, car or ship in bulk. If it is necessary to use bag package, the big bag package is often used and small bag packaging is not suitable from the point of reducing the cost.
5. Deironing in the system.
The vertical mill adopts outside cycling, so it is very convenient to remove the iron materials. And what is more, electric magnetic iron remover should be installed inside the mill, on the feeding belt conveyor and the coarse powder feeding part in order to reduce the iron content of the materials that are fed into the mill and reduce the abrasion.
Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd has many years' of technological power and experience accumulation of manufacturing and management of drying machines. The sand maker we researched and developed with great concentration plays an active role in the mining and ore beneficiation industry and is one of the indispensible mining crushing equipment in the mining industry. This machine has the most competitive price and the most reliable quality so that it is the top choice for the high performance crushing equipment.
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